There are 4 kinds of therapy niches clinicians are using to fill their full-fee practices.

Which one are YOU? 🤔
Free quiz for therapists ⤵️
Answer these 9 questions and we'll tell you how to attract more right-fit clients into your therapy practice.
Free quiz for therapists ⤵️

There are 4 kinds of therapy niches clinicians are using to fill their full-fee practices.

Which one are YOU? 🤔
Answer these 9 questions and we'll tell you how to attract more right-fit clients into your therapy practice.
Hey! I'm Anna.

I help therapists simplify their marketing and bring in clients on autopilot.

So much of the advice out there for therapists is about doing more! more! more! But after supporting over 1,000 therapists with their marketing, I’ve found the opposite to be true: when you can do just a handful of things really well, the results follow. And the foundation of all those results?

👉🏼  Your niche.

If we can get your niche nailed down, you'll be on your way to attracting more of those full-fee, ideal-fit clients you love to work with. This quiz will help you do that.
This can change everything.

Your niche has the power to transform your practice. Get it right, and the clients will come.